Hi, iam Jeff Minor, Don’t work too hard.
How Long Is Sastasha Ffxiv? [Solved]
During peak (or near peak) hours, 10 to 15 minutes seems typical for DPS classes, though it can get longer at other times of day when fewer people are online. I’ve occasionally seen it go over 30 minutes, but that’s been pretty rare in my experience. Oh, and as soon as you finish Sastasha, it’ll come up again.17 Oct 2018
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Sastasha Dungeon Guide
Final Fantasy XIV
⚔️ Sastasha 🏹 Tank-POV // ARR - Dungeon Guide // Neulings Guide Final Fantasy XIV
Gefällt dir mein Video? Dann würde ich mich über ein positives Däumchen und ein Abo freuen! Auch das Sharen über Social …
Sastasha (HARD) Dungeon Guide - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Final Fantasy XIV