Greetings, iam Nancy Malcom, Have a splendid day!

How Long Should You Let Your Dweller Explore? [Solved]

My longest runs so far are around 36 hours of exploration and 18 hours return trip. The low level luck people I used to send out would still bring back rusty whatever guns and BB guns even towards the end of their trips. They did some times come back with a nice rifle or the like but that was rare.23 Jun 2015

How To Create Fallout Shelter’s Strongest Dwellers: Vault Log #10

In this episode of Vault Log

FALLOUT SHELTER PC WINDOWS TIPS - What Happens To Dwellers Exploring In Wasteland For Too Long?

falloutshelter #falloutsheltergameplay #falloutsheltertips This is not Fallout Shelter tips. It is more like

Keep Your Dwellers Alive for Longer 🎮 Let’s Play! Fallout Shelter (Tutorial Part 2)

Part 2 of