Sup, iam Arlene Burke, So long!

How Many Japanese Died In Ww2? [Solved]

Deaths by CountryCountryMilitary DeathsTotal Civilian and Military DeathsHungary300,000580,000India87,0001,500,000-2,500,000Italy301,400457,000Japan2,120,0002,600,000-3,100,00036 more rows

Number of deaths in the WW2 per country

The greatest war of all time is in turn the one with the saddest statistics. In this comparison I show you the number of victims on a …

The Fallen of World War II

An animated data-driven documentary about war and peace, The Fallen of

Why History Overlooks How Much the Japanese Actually Feared the Americans in WW2

You probably know, especially if you’re from an English-speaking country, how the Western Allies felt about the