Hi, iam William Vaughan, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

How Many Roads Should You Have In Settlers? [Solved]

The requirement is actually that two settlements cannot be adjacent to each other (yours or your opponents’). This means that you need at least two roads between your settlements but that is not necessarily sufficient if there are other settlements nearby.

BGREX: Settlers of Catan Rules Explained


Civilization 5 Tutorial - Settlers, City Placement & Tile Improvements | How to Settle Cities Faster

Kia ora and welcome back to CIv 5! Today, at the request of a subscriber, I’m making a tutorial/ guide about how to settle cities …

(Rome, All Roads Lead to Free Settlers) Civilization VI Multiplayer Ranked 10man Free for All

civvi #strategy #multiplayer #civ6 Civ VI Multiplayer as Rome, very easy player kill but irrel war with CS? Played on February 10th, …