Greetings, iam Clarence Sandy, Enjoy your time-off from me!
How Many Servants Can You Have In Fgo? [Solved]
Your Party is the set of Servants you take into a quest. You can take up to 5 Servants you own as well as a leader Servant from either your Friend List or from a list of random other Masters, or a specific NPC available to the quest you are entering, which becomes your Support Servant.
Enhancing Servants
[FGO] How many 5 Star SSR Servants can I get in 500 SQ??
Recorded on 2 different days, I attempt to roll on 3 different banners, depending how lucky I
How To Use Every Servant in FGO 2021 [Fate/Grand Order English]
Thanks for watching! Inspired by Gregor’s Rainbow Six: Siege "