Hi, iam Kimberly Garcia, Have a two coffee day!

How Much Dirt Should Be Over A Culvert Pipe? [Solved]

Cover the culvert with soil to a depth of at least 12 inches, or at least 1/2 of the diameter for larger culverts (Figure 6). For example, a 36-inch culvert should have a soil cover at least 18 inches in depth.

How to Install Dual Wall Culvert Pipe 101 for DIY’ers

French Drain Man – Michigan’s Yard Water Drainage Experts. Masters in the art of constructing contained French drain systems …

CLAY VS. CRUSHED GRAVEL; Installing a culvert pipe; Water erosion & what to consider.

This video will undoubtedly stir up some conflict in the excavation world! But I really don’t care

What Is a Culvert?

Discussing the hydraulics of the humble highway