Greetings, iam Corey Nelson, Have a nice day.

How Much Fuel Does A 747 Burn Per Hour? [Solved]

approximately 10 to 11 tonnes How Much Fuel Does a Jumbo Jet Burn? The four engines of the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet burn approximately 10 to 11 tonnes of fuel an hour when in the cruise. This equates to roughly 1 gallon (approximately 4 litres) of fuel every second.

How Much Fuel Does A Jet Aircraft Use During A Typical Flight?

Most of us take for granted the fact that airplanes just fly when we get on them. We often completely overlook the technicalities …

747 Fuel burn - 10 TONS per Hour!

The Boeing

Unbelievable FUEL Consumption by BOEING 747 😱| fuel usage | #facts #shorts #aeroplanefacts #boeing

How much fuel does